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Being a student at Antioch Christian Academy has its benefits. They have a Christian Curriculum that is used in every class.

In History, they learn about God's providential hand throughout time: yesterday, today, and tomorrow. In Science, they learn about God in Creation and their likeness to Him. Every subject come back to God and His Word. They don't have to be debriefed each evening when they go home. They learn to hate sin, but love the sinner. Because they have classmates from a variety of churches with varying stances on Biblical issues as well as social issues, their teachers help them learn to discuss their differences through dialog rather than arguing about who is right or wrong. Our prayer is they all come to believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, ask Him into their hearts, and trust the Holy Spirit to comfort and direct them to walk as Jesus walked.

The teachers are all Christians and always direct students to God's Word when there are questions which need answered. Each teacher is encouraged to tell their testimony throughout the year and to direct students to Christ for salvation. They are not only qualified, degreed teachers, but real people who love God and with whom it is easy to talk. Our teachers make education at ACA fun, and it's supposed to be fun, right? Well, I guess having fun while learning about Algebra and Geometry really is a by-product of working hard to be the best we can be. Colossians 3:23 says, "Whatsoever you do, do it heartily as unto God and not unto man."

Our advanced uses in technology allow students to do things in and out of the classroom that are on the cutting edge of becoming a "Thinking School". Everyone can become learners, but not everyone may become thinkers. All in all, the atmosphere, spirit, and environment at Antioch Christian Academy is incredibly student friendly. Thank you, Lord.